Northwest Greece is maybe one of the least known inland latitudes of the country, however one of the most scenic in Europe and perfect for connecting with a magnificent nature per excellence. You do not need to travel thousands of kilometers away to find such incredible nature and authentic local life, adventuring throughout this still unspoiled extensive region covered by high mountains, beautiful lakes, dense forests and fresh river courses.

Pindos, where several of our trips are based in this region, is the largest mountain range in Greece and essentially is a continuation of the Dalmatian Alps. It reaches 230 km in length and 70 km in width, crossing mainland Greece from Northwest to South-east and includes two national parks, Valia Calda and Vikos-Aoos. Peaks, gorges, alpine meadows and valleys at surprisingly complexes compose the fascinating landscape of Pindos.

This area consists of habitat for various species such as brown bear, wolf, lynx, roe deer, wild goat and the unique alpine newt; while the flora of the area is considered one of the richest in the Balkans and includes forests of oak, beech, birch, black and hard pine trees.

The imposing lakes and plains of Prespa, right on the borders’ corner with Albania and North Macedonia, are part of a transboundary park (Prespa Lakes) at 850 meters above sea level and surrounded by mountains.

Once you arrive in Prespa, you will immediately notice its unique personality. This is a place to be appreciated by all your senses. It is a wonder where nature, art and history come together in and around the Mikri (small) and Megali (big) Prespa lakes. There are traditional villages and hospitable inhabitants, where the visitors can interact with the locals and their daily life activities closely linked to the seasons of the year. There are a lot of trails along which we will be guiding you either up to the high mountains, old abandoned villages or to religious ancient sites. Paths that harmoniously merge with the surrounding nature and bring you closer to their local traditions.